We will not play by their rules any longer!

10/13/2013 12:07

We will not play by their rules any longer!

Please keep in mind everyone that titles are simply for and from ego – as higher societies ( truly in service to others)  need no titles – and completely speak for themselves.

Hello dear friends – we come to you as you in a higher state of your existence. We carry no names or titles as all are truly known in the collective consciousness and God Man according to their ruling loves and affections represented by their bubble and sphere within the body and form making up each and every God Man. We represent no Ascended Masters and we hold no power or authority over another as we are same no matter what level of consciousness – density – or plane our existence is held in at any given now moment. What we come to offer each of you who is in fact awakening to higher things at this day is guidance to even higher understanding from a place where all of your levels of consciousness exist as a collective consciousness – and you need only draw from that collective when you are ready and in the season of all things.
We have shared many things with each of you based on your world as well as our own – and we have shown you why Universal Laws and the many Laws of Attraction are forever at work according to what each of you draws to yourselves in life on an individual basis – and nothing can be shared that is not freely given to those who have chosen in life to live those levels of Absolute Truth and Data in their lives on a regular and extended basis. You cannot draw to yourself those things that do not presently have a place in your essence and being that presently resides on a third density level of consciousness – without first moving to a higher level of consciousness in your everyday lives – and therefore drawing on higher things of Absolute Truth and Data – while walking the same path in life you did prior to your connecting to your higher levels of consciousness. Yes indeed you will continue to walk the same path but that path will be manifested in appearance according to the plane of existence you are presently – and in every new now moment – experiencing because of those levels of consciousness you are tapping into.
Therefore each third density human being and soul will one moment be walking third density planes of their existence – and in a moment – in the twinkling of an eye – he or she will switch level of consciousness – densities of existence and life – and all physical and material manifestations – in place of all things having to do with their old and previous life a moment ago. One now moment you may be walking in fear and servitude and the next you will become totally responsible for self – and will no longer be in fear of anything – and will not give yourself over to serve others according to their old ways of understanding and principles (true service to self) – as you will take on new understanding – and all the principles in your life will change in a brief moment – and instantly upon your having changed levels of consciousness alone.
There will be no more fear of what is to come – or what has been – as you are presently living in the now – and are only concerned and completely content with what is happening and available to you “now.” There is no more right or wrong in the now because every decision made in that level of consciousness is made from the collective mind of the God Man who resides in complete unity and harmony of life – with every part making up the God Man being in complete agreement on all things.  When you move out of the collective consciousness however – disconnecting from the mind and equilibrium of the God Man at your higher levels of existence – you are once again bound to all third density principles – and those illusions you still hold while existence in the now is shared with all of your third density other selves.
As long as you remain connected to the God Man you are a physical angel as some would come to call it – and you are not responsible for the choices made or what others come to remember your old self as representing in their third density lives. Whether one in third density is or was a friend or foe (according to their lower standards in life) still within the planes – bubbles- and spheres surrounding the collective consciousness of the God Man all things are permitted – there are no more rules – regulations – systems – or man made laws to hinder your choices in life – as all that you come to bring back to third density is forever for the good and benefit of the One and the Whole. With your heightened levels of understanding and knowledge of Absolute Truth and Data all choices made by you (the God Man in his or her awakened state) are indeed for the good and benefit of the One and Whole – and nothing those within third density have to compare with your own personal decisions in life apply any longer to your present existence outside of time and space – in service to others – and in unconditional love toward all.
There is no more fear to weigh you down in lower energies – there is no more right or wrong to cause you to move in one direction or another in life – and there is no one human being that is not already a part of your existence and every new decision in life - that does not also reside within you – and you already have a connection with said human being or soul at their higher levels of understanding and evolution of the soul. If you make a decision while you reside in and on third density (while at the same time being connected to higher self consciousness as the awakened human being and soul) you make your many decisions through heart choices and no longer of the rational human mind - that has been programmed over many lifetimes to live and think according to all principles maintained and established as right and wrong on that world and lower plane of your existence.
Therefore when you as an awakened human being and soul come to make decisions in life – while in and on your third density plane – you make each new decision based on your own personal ruling loves and affections in life – those ruling loves and affections in fact that are coming form the collective consciousness of the God Man – and your higher spiritual society and soul group. You no longer choose your next thought – words- or actions in life according to those around you who are still drawing from rational thinking in life – and not completely from their hearts. Man made laws may cause the human being and soul to move in one direction or the other in life out of fear of the law or breaking their man made laws – but those decisions will not necessarily be coming from your hearts – and will therefore be in service to self as you are thinking – speaking – or acting out of fear for self – fear of harm or loss to self – and therefore not acting from heart.
There is the correct decisions to make in life according to your own personal ruling loves and affections that reside in the hearts of each and every third density human being and soul – and there are those residing outside of heart self that are used to guide and serve the human being and soul who is in fear of harm and loss to self and the flesh in life – and therefore taken from rational mind and thought. When you fear man made laws –rules – regulations in society - and all practices having to do with submission to another you bind yourself to that system – and are once again a slave to that system. You need to understand dear friends that the good of the one does not out weigh the good of the many – but the good and benefit of the One does outweigh the good and benefit of two – and so goes the saying that when the two become One and the One becomes two – what will you do. When each of you who is truly representative of the two (masculine and feminine energies on a lower plane of your existence and in separation of life – not in complete agreement on all things) becomes One (the God Man) what will you do once you return to third density and become two once again?
Will you return to thinking – speaking – acting – and making choices in life that are once again for the good and benefit of the two (male and female energies of the human being and soul in separation of life) therefore causing separation of the masculine and feminine energies in your life – and no longer maintaining equilibrium of life through complete agreement while within those masculine and feminine energies? There are many things or principles in life that hold the human being and soul in bondage and submission to third density and each of you must put off those principles in life of your own doing – and according to your own ruling loves and affections in life – in order to connect to heart – where higher ruling loves and affections are remembered and understood while in your higher state of existence in reconnection with the God Man and higher self – and not those ruling loves and affections found in the rational minds of third density humans -  and guided by worldly principles on an everyday basis. There are lower ruling loves and affections that are brought on in life by the many illusions in yours and our lower planes of existence in third density – and then there are those ruling loves and affections  - as well as principles in life that are drawn from the higher mind of the awakened human being and soul. No one human being and soul can draw from higher self (Heart) and those higher ruling loves and affections in life if he or she is not first in the awakening stages of their evolution of the soul.
You cannot leave a plane and world of fear as long as you are still bound to those principles that cause you to fear for self in life – as well as  your many other selves in life in order to remain in service to “self.” Everything outside of you in and on third density is representative of you in separation and duality mode and existence. If you put off the belief and illusion of separation and duality for a level of consciousness that tells you that you are all One – and all made up of the complete collective consciousness and agreement found only with the higher human being and soul known as the God Man – you will then come to see many things on a higher level of understanding. You will then come to see that nothing you think – say – or do in life any longer affects another person or human soul separate from your own essence and being as a collective being – and you will then come to remember many new (though not truly new) principles in life that truly will benefit the One and the Whole.
 For if you are working toward a new creation and world where all are responsible for self – where all are to share everything in life – no longer owning or possessing – where the positive can live and exist on a positive timeline and dimension of their existence - while at the same time the negative can live on their own timeline and dimension as well – all will then be in their own personal eutopia or heaven – and all will be in contentment of life – where no more right or wrong exists – as the masculine is no longer warring against the feminine within the higher human soul – and all live and exist in complete equilibrium of life – sharing only those things in life that are in complete agreement – while causing their own  movement out of equilibrium when one soul wishes to venture higher into his or her heavens or eutopia - on one side of equilibrium or the other.
It is this way already dear friends within your human bodies and forms where there are those parts of your bodies that represent the positive and negative – heavens or hells – good and bad – right and wrong – upper and lower – of the light or of the dark – and so on. Your bodies have those working parts that are for the benefit of the One or Whole – and there are those parts of the body that represent waste – not beneficial – and harmful even to your human forms.
Still – what would happen if the human body and form were to come into equilibrium of life and remain there consistently for the remainder of the life of the human being and soul? Would not all things while in equilibrium of life be in complete agreement – with no further warring within the human body and form to cause it to become sick or affected by diseases of many kinds – those sicknesses that have actually been brought on by your many other selves in days gone by – through the many illusions they have provided to your world and plane of existence? Yes dear friends – when the human body and form – through the evolution of the soul and the awakening of each human being to Absolute Truth and Data comes to return to equilibrium of life – and maintain that equilibrium of life – there will be no more sickness and disease to be heard of. This does not however apply to every human being and other self on your world today friends – as each human being and soul must find this equilibrium of life on their own – and according to their reconnecting with higher self – and those higher ruling loves and affections that provide equilibrium of life on a higher level of their existence.
We would add this however – that when one of you comes to find this higher equilibrium of life – your world within as well as your world without begins to completely heal itself – and all those other selves in third density who you may presently be seeing as not awakening or awakened will begin to awaken as all things in and on your world will have already begun to return to equilibrium – and their own natural state of life and existence within the God Man that you – and all of your many other selves on your world is soon to become – according to your knowing of this transformation – though we will tell you it is already done in our world and reality. Now it may appear that many presently on your world are not even close to their awakening – and that some have a very long way to go before they can even achieve equilibrium of life – but this is not the case. The truth of the matter is that those souls who appear to some of you to be very negative – evil – dark – or possessing ruling loves for the world and present systems in place are all representative of ruling loves that will make up the collective consciousness and body and form that is the God Man – the same God Man each of you is presently creating by your every new thought – word –action – and ruling loves and affections in your present life.
In simpler terms there are those human beings and souls who will make up one side of equilibrium for the God Man (whether positive or negative) and there are those who will make up the other side of equilibrium for the God Man. Those you see as different from yourself on your present world and plane of existence in third density today may have you think or come to understand that they will go to a different place because of their more negative and opposite practices – ruling loves – and affections in life – but they will go to the same place (in conscious existence not actual time or space) making up both sides or levels of consciousness of equilibrium within the God Man. Therefore where many of you may thing your world has a long way to go before its masses are to awaken and reconnect with higher self – it is so much closer than you can ever imagine – without worldly and lower input from sources on your world who would have you in lack – want – need- doubt – and fear – of when this time will truly come. We say to you now dear friends it has already come – and some of you just do not see it yet – as you have not let go of enough third density principles and ruling loves and affections in your lives to know that you are now a part of the awakened God Man.
We and many others along side of us are presently in the process of guiding each and all of you to your places within the God Man – but many of you are still fighting amongst yourselves as to how it will all shape up when all is said and done – and you are receiving much confusion and added illusions to your levels of consciousness at this day so as to hinder a process that truly cannot be hindered any longer. As we have said in days of old – each of you will not know you have awakened until it is done within each of you – and where you have been told that all soul contracts and life’s lessons in third density are completed – in one sense this is true while in another it is not. For the God Man it is completed and all soul contracts have been fulfilled to the now moment  – but the soul contracts continue on to eternity – and each of you is simply moving into new contracts and lessons of life on a much higher level of your evolution and existence. However what many of you see as contracts ( a written or verbal agreement) is actually newly created and co – created realities filled with many new lessons and experiences for every human soul or God Man so as to move on to higher and higher levels of his and her evolution of the soul.
These contracts or agreement as you see them friends are nothing more than those agreements made within the God Man through equilibrium of his and her existence – and will forever continue to be played out in equilibrium for the God Man to eternity.
Each and every human being and soul on your world today dear friends is returning to their natural state of existence within the God Man – and all illusion is presently being removed from the minds and consciousness of all human beings and souls who make up the God Man – and all human beings and souls are coming to truly know their true ruling loves and affections in life – first on their lower planes of consciousness – followed by those corresponding as well on their higher planes of existence within and of the God Man. In other words first the human will come to seek good and truth through the rational mind of the human being and soul – and then all things will be added in their season to the minds and consciousness (through heart this time) of every human being and soul – according to his and her true ruling loves and affections in life – and their higher corresponding ruling loves and affections within the God Man. In other words first the human soul will remember and live equilibrium of life on a lower plane of their existence – and all corresponding ruling loves and affections will then be shared in their season with each human being during their awakening process in life – and according to the level of evolution of every individual human being and souls.
This is maintained and guided with each individual human being and soul because not all humans have as far to go in order to return to their natural state of life – existence – ruling loves- and affections –as do others. Again we say that just because one human being appears to be less spiritually mature – evolved- or awakened in life does not make it so – as those who are of this misleading and false understanding in life are still basing others according to their ruling loves and affections in life – and that place they will hold within the essence – being – and body and form that is the God Man. So again we say that your world and created reality is much closer to its Universal awakening and the Consummation of the Ages than you may come to think.
The God Man already has all the pieces in place –all the souls back to their natural state and place of ruling loves and affections within the God Man and new realities and ruling loves and affections are again being created within every new now moment for the God Man – even as we speak these words to each of you.
The higher self or God Man is guiding each of you from a place of equilibrium at this very moment – any many of you are not yet aware of this because you are still a bit too bound in third density life – but we tell you all things are in place – and everyone is placed with their third density human counterpart at present so as to carry out and create that world and reality that is sought by every human soul making up present equilibrium within the collective consciousness of the God Man. As far as all human souls who will make up the societies outside of equilibrium with the God Man – they too are all in place – and where they appear to be third bound and in submission to third density at this day on your world – this is the case as even third density makes up states of mind and consciousness that are a part of the God Man – and they too – who are outside of equilibrium on your present world will continue to evolve and awaken in their season of life – while we each move on in equilibrium of life and continue to guide each of the “children” to their awakening. Because of this fiends – we will have the benefit – provide the use and purpose in life to share all new things of our new creation – world –and reality with those still in the process of awakening on your world – and all new and higher understanding will be put to good use so as to create that world and reality known as heaven and eutopia for all.
Much of our creations – thoughts – words- actions – ruling loves- and affections will not seem to make sense to those still bound in third density principles in life – but they will all come around to understanding in their own time and season – and will be the better for it – as all knowing provided the God Man to date will be put together in our creations to come so as to truly make the world a much better place to live in and on for third density man – as well as all God Men on their higher planes of existence. Because the God Man will now achieve happiness unity- harmony of life – and true equilibrium on an even higher level of his and her existence – so too will third density man benefit in the process. Be prepared for many wonders dear friends as things (as you say it) are about to get fun.
We now end this message and transmission and ask each of you to truly ponder our words as they are life for those who see them for what they truly are.
We come to you through our human host Daniel  -and we do so in complete unconditional love for you all.